
Hi! my name is Tariq Williams and I am a senior at Kalamazoo College, where I am pursuing a double major in Mathematics and Economics , along with a minor in computer science.

As I began my job search, I quickly realized that a one-page resume simply didn't do justice to the breadth of my skills and achievements, and thus, I crafted this website to present a comprehensive representation of who I am and also demonstrate the unique blend of my technical expertise in computer science and my eye for design , despite my academic background in mathematics and economics.


  • Eagle Medical Logo

    Eagle Medical Laboratory

    Data Analyst Intern
    • Compiled blood and urine analysis data such as CBC, Urinalysis and Metabolic Panels in microsoft excel
    • Provided weekly reports on trends in data using R studio for data visualization
    • Contributed to the management and organization of sample inventory by redesigning the companies database using SQL
  • K-logo

    Kalamazoo College

    Peer Advisor
    • Designed graphics and publications about study abroad in Photoshop and Canva
    • Collaborated with a group of Peer Advisors to guide students through the study abroad application process
    • Acted as a liaison between students and study abroad department to address concerns and provide support
  • K-logo

    Kalamazoo College

    Tour Guide
    • Led groups of campus visitors on educational and informative tours of the school campus
    • Answered visitors' questions, provided recommendations for local restaurants and activities, and helped resolve any issues or concerns that arose during the tour
  • K-logo

    Kalamazoo College

    Math Dept. Teaching Assistant
    • Assessed student assignments to check quality and assign grades
    • Helped students by reviewing in-class topics and concepts
    • Collated weekly reports of areas for the professor to review
  • K-logo

    Kalamazoo College

    Custodial Assistant
    • Assisted custodial staff in performing daily cleaning duties, including sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming of dorms and classroom facilities
  • K-logo

    Next Job ?

    New Role
    • Hire Me and Fill this space !


  • design icon

    Kalamazoo College

    Bachelors of Arts | Mathematics

    Bachelors of Arts | Economics

    Minor : Computer Science

  • Yonsei Logo


    Study Abroad

  • mobile app icon

    Munro High School

    High School Diploma

Relevant Coursework


  1. MATH 112 - Calculus I

  2. MATH 113 - Calculus II

  3. MATH 214 - Calculus III

  4. MATH 240 - Linear Algebra and Vectors

  5. MATH 250 - Discrete Mathematics

  6. MATH 260 - Applied Statistics

  7. MATH 265 - Intro to Data Science

  8. MATH 310 - Complex and Vector Variables

  9. MATH 320 - Real Analysis

  10. MATH 362 - Probability

  11. MATH 365 - Mathematical Statistics


  1. Econ 101 - Principles of Economics

  2. Econ 245 - Money , Banking & Financial Markets

  3. Econ 262 - Fiscal & Monetary Policy

  4. Econ 265 - Issues in Urban Economics

  5. Econ 305 - Intermediate Microeconomics

  6. Econ 306 - Intermediate Macroeconomics

  7. Econ 315 - Public Sector Economics

  8. BUSN 350 - Corporate Finance

  9. Econ 360 - Econometrics

  10. Econ 490 - Senior Seminar (Climate Change)


Programming Languages

Click for more information !
html image


Skills : Links and Navigation , Multimedia , Semantic Markup and forms

Projects : Personal Website , CS-105 Class Projects

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Skills : Animations , Layouts , Fonts , Colors , Advanced Layouts

Projects : Personal Website , CS-105 Class Projects

Java image


Skills : Loops , Conditional Statements , Arrays , Functions

Projects : Personal Website , Weather App , Soccer Matchday Countdown Timer

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Skills : Web Scraping , Data Analysis and Visualization , Pytorch , Computer Vision , Image Classification

Projects : SoccerAIsight , Intro to Data Science Coursework , Virtual Internship

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Skills : File Operations , Shell Scripting , Naviagting File System, Regular Expressions

Projects : Renaming Audio files with correct BPM

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Skills : Queries , Subqueries , Database Design , Filtering and Sorting

Projects : Used to manage medical records database during Data Analyst Internship

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Skills : Data Visualization , Data Transformation , Highly Proficient with all Tidyverse Libraries

Projects : Intro to Data Science Coursework , Data Analyst Internship , Soccer Data Analytics Project* , Applied Statistics Coursework


Design & Creativity



Profile Picture

I was fortunate to be born on the beautiful island of Jamaica , where I resided for 18 years of my life. Having received a prestigious scholarship, my journey took an exciting turn when I embarked on an educational adventure at Kalamazoo College in the United States. Now a graduate with a degree in Mathematics and Economics with a computer science minor , I am now looking to make the next step in my professional journey.

Beyond my academic pursuits, I have discovered a profound joy in expressing my creativity through graphic design and music. The fusion of colors, shapes, and ideas fuels my soul, allowing me to paint my imagination onto digital canvases. Whether crafting mesmerizing visuals or composing melodious tunes, I find solace in artistic expression.

Hobbies & Extracurriculars

Sports Mini Picture

Let me just start by saying that I bleed red, well, I know we all bleed red, but I bleed the Arsenal kind of red ! I'm an Arsenal fan through and through, and quite frankly, it wasn't a hard choice because Arsenal is simply the best club in the world. Outside of religiously stalking Arsenal and playing soccer, I watch basketball, American football, and recently, I've somehow found myself skiing.

Chess Mini Picture

Chess is one of my all-time favorite pastimes. I enjoyed playing it extensively as a child and reignited my passion at the end of 2020 after watching the renowned series "Queens Gambit." It has been a fulfilling journey, and I'm pleased to say that I am ranked in the top 2% of players in bullet chess (1 min), as well as the top 5% and top 10% in blitz and Rapid, respectively. I am always eager to play with new opponents, so if you happen to be on, feel free to challenge me! You can find me with the username tarblux12.

Music and Video Production Mini Picture

As a naturally creative person, I constantly seek new outlets to express my creativity. Music production and video production have become two of my favorite ways to bring my artistic vision to life. On my portfolio page, you can explore a selection of projects that I've had the pleasure of creating, showcasing my passion for blending sound and visuals into captivating experiences. I take immense pride in my ability to innovate and continuously explore fresh avenues for creative expression.

Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

What are your greatest strengths ?

My greatest strength is undoubtedly my adaptability to new surroundings and diverse circumstances . I have proved this skill on numerous occasions , such as when I was just 12 years old and had to attend a boarding school, living far away from home for months at a time. Similarly, I smoothly transitioned when I moved to the United States for my college education and when I travelled to South Korea for my study abroad program. These experiences required me to either learn a new language or embrace a new way of life, and I successfully adapted to all of them, thriving in these challenging environments.

Another one of my strengths is my strong work ethic. When I commit to reaching a goal or deadline , I give it my all to ensure its achievement. In fact , this website is a prime example of my unwavering commitment to reaching my goals.

Do you have enough experience ?

As a new graduate, while I don't have extensive experience working , I'm confident in my ability to learn quickly and work hard to supplement any gaps in my knowledge. I understand the importance of practical experience, and I'm excited for the opportunity to develop my skills and grow as a finance professional with your company .

Additionally, throughout my academic career, I have demonstrated a strong work ethic and dedication to my studies, which I believe will translate well to the working world. I've also completed relevant coursework in mathematics, computer science, and economics, which has provided me with a solid foundation in the principles and practices of finance. I'm eager to apply my knowledge and skills in a professional setting and to learn from experienced professionals in the field Overall, I'm committed to doing whatever it takes to succeed and make valuable contributions to your team.

Would you be willing to relocate ?

I'm definitely open to the possibility of relocating. As I mentioned earlier, I have lived in several places throughout my life, so I am accustomed to the idea of moving. However, before making any decision, I would need more information about the logistics of the move, such as the timeline and any relocation assistance that may be offered. I am highly motivated to grow in my career, and if the opportunity aligns with my long-term goals , I would be comfortable relocating to anywhere , even if it means moving to a remote location such as the north pole.

Why did you decide to major in Mathematics and Economics , with a minor in computer science?

To be completely honest, my choice of majoring in mathematics and economics with a minor , in computer science was driven by a genuine desire to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the world around me. Rather than focusing on a specific major, I gravitated towards courses that provided me with the tools and knowledge to delve into various aspects of life. Along the way, I found myself naturally drawn to mathematics and economics due to their ability to unveil intricate patterns and mechanisms underlying economic systems. Recognizing the increasing importance of technology and its impact on society, I also pursued a minor in computer science to enhance my analytical and problem-solving skills in the digital realm. This multidisciplinary approach has allowed me to develop a well-rounded perspective and the ability to tackle complex challenges from different angles.

What are your career goals?

My current goal is to secure a position at a reputable company that encourages professional development and offers a steady stream of new challenges. As I progress in my role, my ultimate ambition is to assume more management responsibilities and play an active role in the direction of the company. Above all, I am seeking an organization that values its employees and fosters a supportive environment for long-term career growth.

Do you actually speak 5 languages ?

Yes! , I actually speak five languages as I believe being multilingual is a significant advantage in our increasingly interconnected world. In addition to the languages on the previous page which I have formally studied or regularly use with friends, I have picked up a few phrases in Russian, French, Serbian, Twi, West African Pidgin, and Vietnamese. My love for learning languages has driven me to strive towards becoming a polyglot , and I believe that each language I learn enriches my understanding of the world and the people in it.

Furthermore, speaking multiple languages has been instrumental in expanding my personal and professional opportunities. It has allowed me to connect with individuals from different cultures and backgrounds on a deeper level , which has been invaluable in both my personal and professional life. Overall, I consider my language skills to be a vital tool for personal growth , and I am eager to continue expanding my linguistic horizons.



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